
IRIS Power and IRIS Supply, two divisions of a leading energy company, approached us to design their websites. The challenge was to create engaging, user-friendly sites while prioritizing low carbon emissions to align with their commitment to sustainability. The goal was to ensure that the websites effectively conveyed their messages and values without compromising on environmental responsibility.


Our task was to design and develop two low-carbon-footprint websites that provided a seamless user experience, effectively communicated the companies' messages, and supported their environmental goals. We needed to find the optimal balance between high performance and low environmental impact, considering both the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design aspects.

I started by analyzing existing low-carbon websites to understand best practices.

Technology Selection: I chose lightweight technologies and frameworks known for their efficiency and minimal resource usage, such as TailwindCSS and optimized images and media files.

Content Strategy: We focused on concise, impactful content to reduce data transfer without sacrificing the quality of information.

Design and Development: I adopted a minimalist design approach, using simple layouts, fewer images, and optimized fonts to reduce the overall data load. Our development team wrote clean, efficient code to ensure fast loading times and minimal server requests.

Green Hosting: We selected a green hosting provider that utilized renewable energy sources to reduce the carbon footprint further.

Challenges and Solutions:
Balancing Aesthetics and Efficiency: One major challenge was maintaining an attractive, engaging design while keeping the sites lightweight. I addressed this by using vector graphics and scalable images that maintained visual appeal without increasing file sizes.

I faced difficulties in ensuring fast content delivery with minimal emissions. Implementing a content delivery network (CDN) with caching capabilities helped us serve content quickly and efficiently, reducing the need for repeated server requests.

Ensuring user engagement with reduced multimedia was challenging. We used CSS animations and kept only lightweight JavaScript to create dynamic experiences without heavy resource usage.

Why Low Carbon?

Creating websites with a low carbon footprint involves optimizing every aspect of the design and development process to minimize energy consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This approach includes selecting lightweight technologies, reducing data transfer through efficient coding and minimalist design, and using green hosting providers that rely on renewable energy sources. By focusing on these sustainable practices, we can create digital experiences that deliver high performance and user engagement and align with environmental responsibility.
Reducing the carbon footprint of digital products is crucial in combating climate change, as the internet and digital infrastructure contribute significantly to global emissions. By adopting eco-friendly practices, we can help mitigate the environmental impact of our online activities, promoting a greener, more sustainable future for the planet.

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